- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789
- !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
“ ” „ ‟ ‘ ’ ‚ ‛ « » ‹ › 1° 0′ 0″
hyphen-minus • em—dash • en – dash • 1‒800‒555‒555 •
9 − 6 = 3
←↓↑→ ↙↖↗↘ ⇐⇓⇑⇒ ↵
¢ £ ¥ € ₩ ₡ đ ₣ ₭ ₦ ₱ ₮ ₸ ₺ ƒ ฿ (baht) ₿ (bitcoin) ₷ ₽ ₴ ₾ ₹ ֏ ₪ ¤ ¦ § © ® ™ ª º ¬ ± × ÷ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁄ µ ¶ · • ¼ ½
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Sphinx of black quartz? Judge my vow!
James, while John had had “had had ‘had’”, had had “had had ’had had’”; “had had ‘had had’” had had a better
effect on the teacher.
Standard ligatures • ff fi fl ffi ffl IJ ij (Dutch: IJ ij) ĿL ŀl (Catalan: L·L l·l)
Nonstandard ligatures • fb fh fì fí fî fĩ fī fĭ fį fı fj fk
OpenType / Just for Fun
Attached please type my résümȩ̊́́́̆.́́́
(From xkcd #1647: Diacritics. The last “e” has a cedilla below,
and a ring followed by three acute accent and a breve above. The full stop also has three acute accents
above it. This should render correctly in fonts implementing the feature mkmk
Latin multilingual
Entries in this section contain all the letters contained in each language’s standard alphabet. Note that this
does not guarantee that all ASCII characters will be present; for example, Spanish does not use the
letter W except in loanwords, so Spanish example sentences may not use W at all.
Entries under “all local characters” contain all letters in the language’s alphabet that are not in ASCII, but
not the entire alphabet. For example, Spanish contains the following non-ASCII characters: áéíóúñü¿¡
- Zəfər, jaketini də papağını da götür, bu axşam hava çox soyuq olacaq.
Zafer (a male name), take your
jacket and cap; it will be very cold tonight.
- «Dóna amor que seràs feliç!» Això, il·lús company geniüt, ja és un lluït rètol blavis d’onze
“Give love and you’ll be happy!” This, ingenuous fellow with bad temper, is already in a blue
sign of eleven kWh.
- «Dóna amor que seràs feliç!» Això, iŀlús company geniüt, ja és un lluït rètol blavis d’onze kWh.
sentence, using 01406C instead of 6CB76C for
- Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje.
The overweight little schoolboy with
a bike is holding hops and fine cotton in the pocket of his attire.
- Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu.
Let the
sinful saxophones of devils finally make the hall resonate with the frightful tones of waltz, tango, and
Czech, all local characters
- Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.
Unduly yellowish horse was groaning devilish odes.
- Hleď, toť přízračný kůň v mátožné póze šíleně úpí.
Behold, tis the eerie horse in tottering
affectation groaning like crazy.
- Zvlášť zákeřný učeň s ďolíčky běží podél zóny úlů.
Particularly insidious apprentice with dimples is
running along the zone of hives.
- Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på WC. [perfect]
Tall shy groom won dirty sex quiz on W.C.
- Quizdeltagerne spiste jordbær med fløde, mens cirkusklovnen Walther spillede på xylofon.
The quiz
contestants ate strawberry with cream while Walther the circus clown played the xylophone.
Danish, all local characters
- Ærøål
eel from (the island) Ærø
- Færøbåd
Faroese boat
- Kødpαlæg
- Smørepαlæg
- Blåbærgrød
Porridge of blue berries
- Lærerhαndbøger
Teacher handbooks
Dutch, all local characters
- Háár rijk is niet óúd; het is níéuw. JIJ! Dat is MÍJN íjsje!
Her kingdom is not old;
it is new. YOU! That is MY ice cream! [uses all emphatic vowels]
- Háár rijk is niet óúd; het is níéuw. JIJ! Dat is MÍJ́N íj́sje!
[variant using a combined acute accent on
the emphatic “ij”]
- Eble ĉiu knazaŭ-deca fuŝĥoraĵo ĝojigos homtipon.
Maybe every quasi-decent screwy choir makes a human
type happy.
Esperanto, all local characters
- eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde
echo-change every Thursday
- preskaŭ freŝa ĉeĥa manĝaĵo
almost-fresh Czech food
- Põdur Zagrebi tšellomängija-följetonist Ciqo külmetas kehvas garaažis.
cellist-feuilletonist Ciqo from Zagreb was being cold in a poor garage.
- See väike mölder jõuab rongile hüpata.
This small miller is able to jump to train. [Missing
characters: c f š ž]
Finnish, regular
- Törkylempijävongahdus [perfect]
Muckysnogger booty call
- Albert osti fagotin ja töräytti puhkuvan melodian.
Albert bought a bassoon and blasted a puffing
- Lorun sangen pieneksi hyödyksi jäivät suomen kirjaimet.
The quite small benefit of the rhyme was the
letters of Finnish.
- Hyvän lorun sangen pieneksi hyödyski jäi suomen kirjaimet.
[variant with all lowercase letters]
Finnish, full ASCII + Å
- Fahrenheit ja Celsius yrjösivät Åsan backgammon-peliin, Volkswagenissa, daiquirin ja ZX81:n
Fahrenheit and Celsius threw up on Åsa’s backgammon board in a Volkswagen, due to
the co-effect of daiquiri and a ZX81.
- Charles Darwin jammaili Åken hevixylofonilla Qatarin yöpub Zeligissä.
Charles Darwin was jamming on
Åke’s heavy metal xylophone in the Qatar night pub Zelig.
- Wieviläinen sioux’ta puhuva öky-zombie diggaa Åsan roquefort-tacoja.
The Sioux-speaking filthy-rich
zombie from Vienna digs Åsa’s Roquefort tacos.
French, not counting accented letters
Localizer’s note: French still actively uses the angle brackets (guillemets). Make sure they work well with
no-break spaces, narrow no-break spaces, or without spaces.
- Buvez de ce whisky que le patron juge fameux.
Drink some of this whisky which the boss finds
- Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume.
Take this old whisky to the blond judge who smokes.
- Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui a fumé.
Take this old whisky to the blond judge who has
smoked. [variant with e-acute]
- Bâchez la queue du wagon-taxi avec les pyjamas du fakir.
Tarpaulin up the taxi-railcar tail with the
fakir’s pajamas.
- Voyez le brick géant que j’examine près du wharf
See the giant brig which I examine near the
- Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi
Ambiguous voice of a heart which
prefers kiwi bowls to a zephyr. [includes an instance of each diacritic except circumflex and cedilla]
- Voix ambigüe d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi
[variant using the 1990 spelling
reform for the word ambigüe]
- Monsieur Jack, vous dactylographiez bien mieux que votre ami Wolf
Mister Jack, you typed much better
than your friend Wolf. [was used by Swiss army to test typewriter keyboards]
French, all local characters
- Ça me fait peur de fêter noël là, sur cette île bizarroïde où une mère et sa môme essaient de me tuer avec
un gâteau à la cigüe brûlé.
It frightens me to celebrate Christmas here, on this weird island where a
mother and her kid are trying to kill me with a burnt hemlock cake.
Localizer’s note: German quotation marks look like „this“.
ẞ, the uppercase eszett
(ß), became officially optional in 2017. It’s wise to include it, since it distinguishes such pairs
as IN MASSEN (in massive amounts) vs. IN MAẞEN (in moderation).
- Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich.
Victor chases twelve boxers across
the great dam of Sylt.
- „Fix, Schwyz!“ quäkt Jürgen blöd vom Paß. [perfect]
“Quick, Schwyz!” squawks Jürgen zanily from the
pass. [uses old spelling before 1996]
- Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg.
Wrong practice of xylophone music bothers
every larger dwarf.
German, all local characters
- Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung
fuel oil recoil absorber
- Übermäßiges Öl
excessive oil
- Egy hűtlen vejét fülöncsípő, dühös mexikói úr Wesselényinél mázol Quitóban.
An angry Mexican man, who
caught his faithless son-in-law, is painting Wesselényi’s house in Quito.
- Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít.
My good foxterrier and
don Quixote are making a pair of magic shoes by a twenty-watt lamp.
Hungarian, all local characters
- Árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép
A flood-resistant mirror drill
- Kæmi ný öxi hér, ykist þjófum nú bæði víl og ádrepa.
If a new ax were here, thieves would feel
increasing deterrence and punishment.
- Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ. [perfect]
A cow in heat with such a limp would
admittedly keep silent about drugs in sheep on a farm.
- Þú dazt á hnéð í vök og yfir blóm sexý pæju. [perfect]
You fell on the knee in a hole in the ice and
over a sexy girl’s flower. [uses obsolete spelling with “z”]
Icelandic, all local characters
- Sævör grét áðan því úlpan var ónýt
Sævör cried earlier because the jacket was ruined.
- Nne, nna, wepụ he’l’ụjọ dum n’ime ọzụzụ ụmụ, vufesi obi nye Chukwu, ṅụrịanụ, gbakọọnụ kpaa, kwee ya ka o
guzoshie ike; ọ ghaghị ito, nwapụta ezi agwa.
(meaning unknown)
- Muharjo seorang xenofobia universal yang takut pada warga jazirah, contohnya Qatar.
Muharjo is a
universal xenophobic who fears the peninsula residents, such as Qatar.
- Saya lihat foto Hamengkubuwono XV bersama enam zebra purba cantik yang jatuh dari Alquranmu.
I saw
a photo of Hamengkubuwono XV along with six beautiful ancient zebra which fell from your Koran.
- D’fhuascail Íosa Úrmhac na hÓighe Beannaithe pór Éava agus Ádhaimh.
D’ḟuascail Íosa Úrṁac na hÓiġe
Beannaiṫe pór Éaḃa agus Áḋaiṁ.
Jesus, Son of the blessed Virgin, redeemed the seed of Eve and Adam.
[counting lenited (dot-above) letters as digraphs]
- Chuaigh bé mhórshách le dlúthspád fíorfhinn trí hata mo dhea-phorcáin bhig.
Ċuaiġ bé ṁórṡáċ le dlúṫspád
fíorḟinn trí hata mo ḋea-ṗorcáin ḃig.
A greatly satisfied woman went with a truly white dense spade
through the hat of my good little well-fattened pig. [counting regular and lenited (dot-above) letters
as separate]
- Quel fez sghembo copre davanti.
That slanted fez covers the front.
- Ma la volpe, col suo balzo, ha raggiunto il quieto Fido.
But the fox, with her leap, has reached
the still Fido.
- Quel vituperabile xenofobo zelante assaggia il whisky ed esclama: alleluja!
That blameworthy,
zealous xenophobe tastes his whisky and exclaims: hallelujah!
- Pranzo d’acqua fa volti sghembi.
Lunch of water makes lopsided faces.
- O templi, quarzi, vigne, fidi boschi!
O temples, quartzes, vines, faithful woods!
- Che tempi brevi, zio, quando solfeggi.
Such short times, uncle, when you sol-fa.
- Qualche notizia pavese mi fa sbadigliare.
Some news from Pavia makes me yawn.
- In quel campo si trovan funghi in abbondanza.
In that field, mushrooms are to be found in
- Qualche vago ione tipo zolfo, bromo, sodio.
Some vague ions, like sulfur, bromine, sodium.
Italian, all local characters
- Sì sé è già. Farò più.
Yes it (itself) already is. I’ll do more.
- Sarà lunedì, però perché bevi più tè?
It will be Monday, but why drink more tea?
- Muļķa hipiji mēģina brīvi nogaršot celofāna žņaudzējčūsku.
Silly hippies try to freely taste the
cellophane python.
- Glāžšķūņa rūķīši dzērumā čiepj Baha koncertflīģeļu vākus.
Glass shack gnomes steal Bach piano covers
while inebriated.
- Četri psihi faķīri vēlu vakarā zāģēja guļbūvei durvis, fonā šņācot mežam.
Late at night, four psycho
conjurors were sawing the doors of a log cabin as the wind hummed in the background.
- Įlinkdama fechtuotojo špaga sublykčiojusi pragręžė apvalų arbūzą.
Incurving fencer sword sparkled and
perforated a round watermelon.
Norwegian, full ASCII
- Vår sære Zulu fra badeøya spilte jo whist og quickstep i min taxi.
Our strange Zulu from the bathing
island actually played whist and quickstep in my taxi.
- Høvdingens kjære squaw får litt pizza i Mexico by.
The chief’s dear squaw gets a little pizza in
Mexico City.
- IQ-løs WC-boms uten hørsel skjærer god pizza på xylofon.
IQ-less WC-bum without hearing cuts good
pizza on xylophone.
- Sær golfer med kølle vant sexquiz på wc i hjemby.
Strange golfer with club won sex quiz on W.C. in
- Jeg begynte å fortære en sandwich mens jeg kjørte taxi på vei til quiz.
I started to devour a sandwich
while I was riding a taxi on the way to the quiz.
Norwegian, all local characters
- Blåbærsyltetøy
Blueberry jam
Polish, perfect
- Jeżu klątw, spłódź Finom część gry hańb! (by Stanisław Barańczak)
O hedgehog of curses, generate for
the Finns a part of the game of ignominies!
- Pójdźże, kiń tę chmurność w głąb flaszy!
Go, cast this melancholy into the depth of a bottle!
- Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag.
Be brave, protect your regiment and six flags.
- Filmuj rzeź żądań, pość, gnęb chłystków!
Film the slaughter of demands, abstain from food, oppress the
- Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig.
To push a hedgehog or eight crates of figs into this boat.
(ośm – the original form of the numeral osiem)
- Dość gróźb fuzją, klnę, pych i małżeństw!
“Enough of these threats with the shotgun,” swear I,
“haughtinesses and marriages!”
- Pójdź w loch zbić małżeńską gęś futryn!
Go to the dungeon to batter the marital goose of
- Chwyć małżonkę, strój bądź pleśń z fugi.
Seize your wife, the garment, or the mold from the grout.
Polish, imperfect
- Koń i żółw grali w kości z piękną ćmą u źródła.
A horse and a tortoise played dice with a beautiful
moth near the spring.
Polish, all local characters
- Zażółć gęślą jaźń.
Make fiddle’s ego yellow.
Portuguese (Brazil), ASCII only
- Um pequeno jabuti xereta viu dez cegonhas felizes.
A curious little tortoise saw ten happy storks.
- Blitz prende ex-vesgo com cheque fajuto.
Cop arrests ex-cross-eye with fake check in a checkpoint.
- Gazeta publica hoje no jornal uma breve nota de faxina na quermesse.
The journalists publish today at
the newspaper a short note about the cleaning at the kirmiss.
- Zebras caolhas de Java querem passar fax para moças gigantes de New York.
One-eyed zebras from Java
want to fax for giant ladies from New York.
Portuguese (Brazil)
- À noite, vovô Kowalsky vê o ímã cair no pé do pingüim queixoso e vovó põe açúcar no chá de tâmaras do jabuti
At night, grandpa Kowalsky sees the magnet falling on the complaining penguin’s foot and grandma
puts sugar in the happy tortoise’s date tea.
Portuguese (Portugal)
- Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português.
Luis argued
to Julia that “big arms, faith, tea, oxide, to put, bee” were Portuguese words.
Portuguese, all local characters
- Muzicologă în bej vând whisky și tequila, preț fix.
A (female) musicologist in beige sells whisky and
tequila, fixed price.
- Bând whisky, jazologul șprițuit vomă fix în tequila.
Drinking whisky, the drunken jazzman threw up
right in the tequila.
- Ex-sportivul își fumează jucăuș țigara bând whisky cu tequila.
The ex-sportsman playfully smokes his
cigarette, drinking whisky with tequila.
- Înjurând pițigăiat, zoofobul comandă vexat whisky și tequila.
Swearing in high pitch, the zoophobic
man vexedly ordered whisky and tequila.
- Mus d’fhàg Cèit-Ùna ròp Ì le ob
Before Kate-Una left the Iona cattle auction with hops
Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian (Latin)
- Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje.
The overweight little schoolboy with
a bike is holding hops and fine cotton in the pocket of his attire.
- Fin džip, gluh jež i čvrst konjić dođoše bez moljca.
A nice jeep, a deaf hedgehog and a tough horse
came without a moth.
- Ljubazni fenjerdžija čađavog lica hoće da mi pokaže štos.
A kind lamplighter with grimy face wants to
show me a stunt.
- Ajšo, lepoto i čežnjo, za ljubav srca moga dođi u Hadžiće na kafu.
Aicha, (my) beauty and longing,
for the love of my heart, come to Hadžići for a cup of coffee.
- Kŕdeľ šťastných ďatľov učí pri ústí Váhu mĺkveho koňa obhrýzať kôru a žrať čerstvé mäso.
A flock of
happy woodpeckers by the mouth of the river Vah is teaching a silent horse to nibble on bark and feed on
fresh meat.
[Missing characters: c (outside digraph “ch“) f g j l y á ó]
Slovak, all local characters
- Päťtýždňové vĺčatá nervózne štekajú na môjho ďatľa v tŕní.
Five-week-old wolf cubs nervously bark at
my woodpecker in a shrub.
- Hišničin bratec vzgaja polže pod fikusom.
The little brother of the [female] concierge cultivates
snails under the ficus.
- Besni dirkač iz formule žuga cehu poštarjev.
Out of the racing car, the furious racer threatens [with
the waving of his index finger] a guild of postmen.
- Fučka se mi hladna goveja žolca brez pršuta.
I don’t give a shit about the cold bovine aspic without
- Šerif bo za vajo spet kuhal domače žgance.
For an exercise, sheriff will again make home-made
- Piškur molče grabi fižol z dna cezijeve hoste.
Lambry silently grasps beans from the bottom of caesium
- V kožuščku hudobnega fanta stopiclja mizar.
A cabinetmaker steps lightly through a malicious boy’s fur
- V kožuščku hudobnega fanta stopiclja mizar in kliče 0619872345.
[...] and calls 0619872345.
[variant used in Windows]
Spanish, ASCII + all accented letters
- Benjamín pidió una bebida de kiwi y fresa; Noé, sin vergüenza, la más exquisita champaña del
Benjamin ordered a kiwi and strawberry beverage; Noah, without shame, the most exquisite champagne
on the menu.
- José compró una vieja zampoña en Perú. Excusándose, Sofía tiró su whisky al desagüe de la
José bought an old panpipe in Peru. Excusing herself, Sofía threw her whiskey on the sink of
the sidewalk.
- El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de
paja. (Used in Windows as sample text)
The quick Hindu bat was happily eating golden thistle and kiwi.
The stork was playing the saxophone behind the straw arena.
Spanish, ASCII + ñ
- El pingüino Wenceslao hizo kilómetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y frío; añoraba a su querido
Wenceslao the penguin traveled kilometers under exhaustive rain and cold; he longed for his
dear puppy. [Missing accented vowels, but contains the digraphs “ch”, “ll”, “rr”]
- La niña, viéndose atrapada en el áspero baúl índigo y sintiendo asfixia, lloró de vergüenza, mientras que la
frustrada madre llamaba a su hija diciendo: «¿Dónde estás, Waleska?».
The girl, finding herself trapped
inside the rough blue-violet chest and feeling suffocation, cried out of shame, whilst the frustrated mother
called her daughter saying: “Where are you, Waleska?”.
- Jovencillo emponzoñado de whisky: ¡qué figurota exhibe!
Whisky-intoxicated youngster – what a figure
he’s showing!
- Ese libro explica en su epígrafe las hazañas y aventuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha en Kuwait.
book explains in its epigraph the deeds and adventures of Don Quijote de la Mancha in Kuwait.
- Queda gazpacho, fibra, látex, jamón, kiwi y viñas.
There are still gazpacho, fibre, latex, ham, kiwi
and vineyards.
- Whisky bueno: ¡excitad mi frágil pequeña vejez!
Good whisky, excite my frail, little old age!
- Es extraño mojar queso en la cerveza o probar whisky de garrafa.
It is strange to dip cheese in beer
or to try a whisky out of a carafe.
Spanish, all local characters
- ¡Tú sólo! ¿Cuál cañería agüé?
You alone (by yourself)! Which pipe did I water? [own work]
- Flygande bäckasiner söka hwila på mjuka tuvor strax.
Flying snipes seek rest on soft tufts [of grass]
soon. [uses obsolete spelling and grammar]
- Yxskaftbud, ge vår WC-zonmö IQ-hjälp. [perfect]
Axe handle courier, give our WC zone maiden IQ
- Byxfjärmat föl gick på duvshowen.
Trouser-estranged foal went to the pigeon show. [without q and
z, but with common but problematic digraphs “fö” and “fj”]
Swedish, all local characters
- räksmörgås
shrimp sandwich
- ölälskaråsna
beer-loving donkey
- läderfåtölj
leather easy-chair
- Åland är österut, Señor Müller.
The Åland Islands are eastward, Señor Müller.
Localizer’s note: Turkish text does not use the “fi” ligature, since its most common form complicates the
distinction between fı and fi.
Turkish also uses the circumflex in â, î, and û, but they are so rare that
they are not included in pangrams.
- Saf ve haydut kız çocuğu bin plaj görmüş.
The naive and thuggish little girl has seen a thousand
- Öküz ajan hapse düştü yavrum, ocağı felç gibi.
The ox agent landed in prison, my little one, where the
furnace is like paralysis.
- Hayvancağız tüfekçide bagaj törpüsü olmuş.
The poor animal has become a baggage file at the
- Vakfın çoğu bu huysuz genci plajda görmüştü.
Most of the religious endowment had seen the mean youth
on the beach. [That’s fı, not fi]
- Fahiş bluz güvencesi yağdırma projesi çöktü.
The project of making fancy shirt guarantees rain
- Pijamalı hasta yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi.
The patient in pajamas quickly trusted the swarthy
Turkish, all local characters
This still lacks circumflexed letters.
- Şişli’de büyük çöp yığınları
Large piles of garbage in Şişli
Vietnamese, all local characters
- Do bạch kim rất quý nên sẽ dùng để lắp vô xương.
This contains all 5 tone marks and accented â, ă, and ê, but not all combinations thereof.
- 123 456 789 000₫
The currency symbol for “dong” is the barred lowercase D with an underline, which may be A) set as normal, B) set slightly smaller to fit the underline on the baseline, or C) set as superscript.
- Ìwò̩fà ń yò̩ séji tó gbojúmó̩, ó hàn pákànpò̩ gan-an nis̩é̩ rè̩ bó dò̩la.
[translation missing]
- Parciais fy jac codi baw hud llawn dŵr ger tŷ Mabon.
I parked my magic JCB [digger] full of water near
Mabon’s house.
- Ах чудна българска земьо, полюшвай цъфтящи жита.
Ah, wonderful Bulgarian land, shake the blooming
wheat fields.
- Жълтата дюля беше щастлива, че пухът, който цъфна, замръзна като гьон.
The yellow quince was happy
that the fluff which bloomed froze like sole-leather.
- За миг бях в чужд плюшен скърцащ фотьойл.
For a moment I was in someone else’s plush squeaking
- Вкъщи не яж сьомга с фиде без ракийка и хапка люта чушчица!
At home, do not eat salmon with soup
noodles without rakia and a bit of hot paprika!
- Под южно дърво, цъфтящо в синьо, бягаше малко пухкаво зайче.
Under a southern tree, blooming in
blue, ran a little fluffy bunny.
- Шугав льохман, държащ птицечовка без сейф и ютия.
A mangy lummox, holding a platypus without a safe
and flat iron.
- Я, пазачът Вальо уж бди, а скришом хапва кюфтенца зад щайгите.
Why, Valyo the guard is supposed to
be watching, and yet he’s secretly eating meatballs behind the crates.
- Хълцайки много, въздесъщият позьор, Юрий жабока, фучеше.
Hiccuping intensely, the famous poseur,
Yuri the frog, was sputtering.
- Гномът Доцьо приключи спящ в шейна за жаби.
Dotsyo the Gnome ended up sleeping in a carriage for
- Щиглецът се яде само пържен в юфка без чушки и хвойна.
Goldfinch is only eaten fried with noodles,
without peppers and juniper.
- Фучейки и хълцайки, кьоравият грухтящ шопар жадно стъпка зюмбюлите
Snorting and whimpering, the
grunting blind boar hungrily trampled the hyacinths.
- Хълцащ змей плюе шофьор стигнал чуждия бивак.
A hiccuping dragon spits at a driver who has reached
someone else’s campsite.
- Щурчо Цоньо хапваше ловджийско кюфте с бяла гъмза.
Tsonyo the cricket was eating a hunter-style
meatball with white Gamza wine.
- Ѕидарски пејзаж: шугав билмез со чудење џвака ќофте и кељ на туѓ цех.
A mason’s landscape: a mangy
fool wonderingly munches on meatball and kale at someone else’s expense.
- Бучниов жолт џин ѕида куќа со фурна меѓу полиња за цреши, хмељ и грозје.
[This] noisy yellow giant is
building a house with an oven in the midst of fields of cherries, hops and grapes.
- Долг Џош, сторив женење, црн ѕид! Фрчат хмељ, ќумбе, ѓупки, зајак.
Long Josh, I’ve done a reaping, a
black wall! Hops, Gypsy women, rabbit are whizzing.
- Мојот дружељубив коњ со тих галоп фаќа брз џиновски глушец по туѓо ѕитче.
My friendly horse with a
quiet gallop catches a quick giant mouse over someone else’s little wall.
- Щётканы фермд пийшин цувъя. Бөгж зогсч хэльюү.
Let’s echelon fireplaces in brush farm. Ring says
- Эх, чужак, общий съём цен шляп (юфть) – вдрызг! [perfect]
Hey, stranger, the general takings from
prices of hats (made from a thick leather) have completely crashed!
- — Любя, съешь щипцы, — вздохнёт мэр, — Кайф жгуч! [perfect]
The mayor will sigh, “Eat the pliers with
love; pleasure burns!”
- Съешь же ещё этих мягких французских булок, да выпей чаю.
So eat more of these soft French loaves, and
have some tea.
- Широкая электрификация южных губерний даст мощный толчок подъёму сельского хозяйства.
electrification of southern guberniyas will give a powerful incentive to the rise of agriculture.
- Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика.
An enraged narrator selfishly
beats a nimble fencer with five poles.
Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian (Cyrillic)
- Гојазни ђачић с бициклом држи хмељ и фину вату у џепу ношње.
The overweight little schoolboy with a
bike is holding hops and fine cotton in the pocket of his attire.
- Фин џип, глух јеж и чврст коњић дођоше без мољца.
A nice jeep, a deaf hedgehog and a tough horse came
without a moth.
- Љубазни фењерџија чађавог лица хоће да ми покаже штос.
A kind lamplighter with grimy face wants to
show me a stunt.
- Ајшо, лепото и чежњо, за љубав срца мога дођи у Хаџиће на кафу.
Aicha, (my) beauty and longing, for
the love of my heart, come to Hadžići for a cup of coffee.
- Чуєш їх, доцю, га? Кумедна ж ти, прощайся без ґольфів!
Daughter, do you hear them, eh? Oh, you are
funny! Say good-bye without knee-length socks.
- Жебракують філософи при ґанку церкви в Гадячі, ще й шатро їхнє п’яне знаємо.
The philosophers beg near
the porch of the church in Hadiach, and we even know their drunk tent. [contains apostrophe]